Honors Classes

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Growing up in a competitive academic environment with a rigorous class schedule, I am familiar with the demands that advanced classes require. While participating in the Honors College at the University of Arkansas this semester, I am taking two honors classes and can clearly notice the difference in rigor between the two honors classes and the rest of my schedule. I strive to be able to challenge myself by taking even more honors classes at Texas Tech in order to not only learn more but to continue developing my sense of self-discipline and perseverance. Both in high school and at the University of Arkansas my advanced and honors classes included a much smaller class size, which helped tremendously in learning and truly understanding the material. …show more content…

If I wasn’t already feeling nervous about going to college, this turn of events made it so much worse. Growing up I went to an all-girls school from the age of three to seventeen. Starting a new school already was already nerve-wracking, but changing from my graduating class of 123 into an undergraduate population of over 25,000 seemed insurmountable. One lesson that I’ve learned throughout the past few weeks is that one of the most important skills in life is to realize what makes you happy and have the courage to act on it. When I started school this past semester it didn’t take me long to figure out I was in the wrong place. The campus was beautiful and my classes were interesting, but I still didn’t feel like I was in the place I needed to be. However, since the school year started and as the semester continues, I am trying to make the most of my time here at the University of Arkansas and I keep trying to do what I enjoy. Now I don’t mean happiness in the material sense that I need to have objects, instead I mean that I do not want to live my life regretting opportunities I have missed out on. Entering into college, there are thousands of new opportunities for me to partake in and I have been taking full advantage of and continue to take full advantage of these

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