Honors College Personal Statement

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From an honors education at VCU, I hope to become a part of a strong and diverse community of talented individuals. Individuals who are more than just students- aspiring businessmen who enjoy watching stocks, cancer researchers who are fascinated by the development of tumors, and future artists who express themselves through their works. Through the Honors College, I hope to meet people with distinct interests and unique experiences. The prospect of joining a community of intellects who are highly motivated and committed to helping each other strongly appeals to me.
An important aspect of my overarching goal for college is to garner an abundance of real world experiences. Through the opportunities provided by the Honors College, I know that I will not have any trouble doing so. Having previously worked with metabolic diseases and cancer, I hope to continue my research in these fields by using the opportunities at this premier research university. Through the VCU Medical Center and programs like UROP, I desire to collaborate with professors and faculty members to discover more about human diseases. A particular program at the Honors College that interests me is the Freshman Research …show more content…

With the honors core curriculum and the special requirement to take additional honor courses, I will be exposed to a multitude of disciplines and encouraged to try courses that I normally wouldn’t have taken. Through unique requirements like presenting a dossier to the dean before graduating VCU, the Honors College truly highlights the importance of going beyond classroom learning and pursuing opportunities for both personal and intellectual growth. Through the Berglund Seminars, I hope to participate in forums and debates where I can discuss meaningful and controversial subjects, like women in Virginia politics and HIV/AIDS, and apply the knowledge I have acquired from my

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