High School Swim

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It was the August before 7th grade, I was on vacation for a week at my cabin. It was towards the end of the week when my mom told me that I would be swimming on the high school swim team for the season. The first day that I went to practice, I was scared for my life. I was almost crying on the ride to the high school. The first day of practice was better than I thought. Luckily there was some other 7th graders there that made me feel welcomed. The first day was not as hard as I thought. The weeks after that was total death to me. I had came from a swimming program that worked on mostly technique, and not very much intensity. The day before the first day of school, I had my first meet ever. I had a lot of fun, I swam my favorite stroke, the …show more content…

My first time that I swam the race, I went a 1:19 which was really bad compared to what I can do now. I was steadily improving every meet. Moving from the bottom of junior varsity to the top of junior varsity. Towards the end of junior varsity season I was the best butterflier on JV. There was one spot open on varsity for the 100 butterfly to swim at the conference and section meet. There were a couple girls that had a chance at getting the spot. To get the spot our coach had us do a time trial and see who got the best time. I was very nervous for the day of the time trial. Right before I walked out the door my dad told me “swim until you puke”, I did just that but I took out the puking part. I swam as hard as I could and got the spot, and ended up dropping 5 seconds from my current time of 1:11. A little bit after that I got a minor shoulder injury and had to take practice a little easier. I still competed at the conference meet and placed 5th. Shortly after the conference meet it was sections. Last year the section meet was held at sartell, so I was a little more comfortable swimming in my own pool. At the section meet there are two days. On the first day everybody swims(prelims) and the top 16 advance to

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