Personal Narrative: Traveling Into High School

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Walkinging into high school on my first day was like entering a new country for the first time. Unlike all the other kids around me I was super calm and a little too excited. Instead of sweaty palms I had shaking arms because I couldn't wait to meet new people and make new friends. That was always my personality so I think I had it much easier than the other kids. Coming from a bully filled middle school where all anyone wanted to do was get high and have sex, going into a different high school with different people was not that hard. Going into middle school was one hundred times harder than going into high school. The people at ACIT were so welcoming and nothing like William Davies Middle School. The people here had their own personalities which I enjoyed the most. No one followed a crowd and did what they thought was “cool” like in my old school. ACIT was just as I expected it; a normal highschool with talented kids in different types of academies. I expected it to be a little more strict and proper than other school, which it was a little but not as extreme as I though. This school still has the normal highschool feel, despite what everyone else thinks outside this school district. As this school year went on, I can honestly say my feeling towards school changed drastically. Yes it is still hard and yes some classes can be boring but …show more content…

My goal is to receive only honor roll grades and participating in additional clubs and activities. When I achieve this goal by putting my mind to it, I can even see myself becoming one of the highest ranked students in my class. I am very proud of myself this semester and can say for myself that I have improved but there are some things I wish I did better. I should of worked just a little harder at getting my work done every night and instead of constantly getting distracted by the things around me, I should of focused only on study for my

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