Gym Class

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I chose the topic I did because I was intrigued on how students who aren’t able to use the full ability of their legs, are able to participate in the Pacer Test. This test is a running test that focuses on the child's cardio ability, and has them run back and forth from each side of the gymnasium. Or how children without motion in their arms are able to participate in the pull up test, or even a game of basketball. I was specifically drawn to this topic because my dad recently broke his ankle and is currently on crutches. When choosing a topic, I thought of him and was curious as to what he would be doing in gym class right now if he were in grade school. With this in mind, it made me ponder on what children do in regards to gym class, when …show more content…

I’m expecting to run into little evidence and data about this topic, but hopefully I’m wrong! I say this because I can’t think of examples of my own childhood years of what students with physical disabilities would do during gym. The best I can remember, is that they simply didn’t participate, which is wrong. This topic is relevant to today’s educational environment because disabilities aren’t going away, and it is our responsibility to make it as comfortable and accessible as possible for those living with a disability to get through their everyday life. Our society today has all of the resources that it needs in order to figure out a way for physically disabled students to participate in a phy-ed class. This question in particular brings difficulty with including all students with gym classes, because everyone disability varies from the student. I am expecting it to be hard to find an accommodation for students labeled with a physical disability, because all disabilities have their own unique needs. I’m guessing there will be multiple different accommodations, well at least there should be, because there are multiple different physical …show more content…

For an example, the student with the physical disability probably feels as though they want to be treated like any other student, and want to try to fit in as best as possible. Adding to that, I’m sure the parent of that child wants the best for them as well, and that includes physical activity of some sort. Unfortunately, there may be some negative attitudes towards this topic. I can see how community members of a certain school may be frustrated that their child is getting time taken away from them while the Phy-Ed teacher is creating an accommodation for the child with the physical disability. I wish this weren’t true, but there are ignorant people out there that will and have had this in their

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