Extremely Loud Incredibly Close

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The story Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close is a story about 9/11. The shell family lost a husband, a dad, and a son that day. All of them don't know how to act they are all so confused why this happened to them. They use silence as a metaphor because it's so silent it's so loud. Meaning they are silent because of what happened on 9/11 but screaming because they are sad and hurt about what happened. The little boy's name is Oskar and he was his dad’s best friend. They always did a search to find something kinda game. Oskar loved finding new things and edventures that he could take. One day he was in his dad’s closet and he went on the very top self and accidently knocked a blue vase down. He was trying to be silent but ended up being loud. …show more content…

It was snowing out and in the backyard I have a woods we would always go in the woods. We would walk for a long time and climb trees. One day we were sitting up by the house and saw a deer and we thought it was a good idea to go case it. Well when you’re running after the deer they tend to run away also but, we decided to follow it. It was snowing so we could see the footprints in the snow. We felt like we were traveling for hours trying to find where this deer would have went. It kinda reminds me of oskars journey with trying to find the lock to his key. He was searching for hours in a day and just couldn’t find someone that new his dad or new about the key. On my journey we ended up giving up because we got to a point where the footprints were everywhere. Meaning there was probably more than one and they ended up running away in all different directions. So we gave up on trying to find out where this deer went and walked back. The difference between my story and Oskar’s is that he never gave up. He wanted to so bad because nobody knew what he was talking about. One day he got a phone call from the first people he meant. He ended up meeting up with him and finding out the key never belonged to his dad. It accidently got to his dad and this man was trying to find this key the whole

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