Analysis Of Extremely Loud And Incredibly Close

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Jonathan Safran Foer says in his novel, “for reasons that need not be explained, you made a strong impression on me” (215). This quote is exactly what you will think once you finish the book. Reading this text provokes new ideas and will make you think more about what you’re doing with your life. The novel Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran Foer is a hardcover that has been challenged in public school systems since it came out. The novel is about Oskar Schell, a nine-year-old, who lost his father in the 9/11 attacks. After looking through his dad’s closet, he found a key and set out on a quest to make sense of his dad’s death. The novel Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close is a work of realistic fiction that should be available to everyone. Even though the novel has a questionable word choice, the meaning of the text is more important. The themes in this novel are the strong messages that support why this novel shouldn’t be banned, these being identity, love, and coping mechanisms. …show more content…

There are brief instances of profanity and sexual content which may have been questionable. Nevertheless the overall themes of the book are an amazing learning experience for children of all ages. Even without including the content, the first amendment protects books from being banned. Putting away a book is restricting the author from freedom of the press and dissemination. The book itself is unquestionably interesting and goes into deep thought. It teaches its readers about unique identity, unconditional love, and ways to cope. These are lessons that aren’t taught in the American school system. By letting children read this book they will learn more than just science, math, English, and history. High school libraries need to keep this book on their shelves for it goes beyond the school

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