Explain Why People Communicate

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.1 Identify the different reasons why people communicate

Communication is the process of exchanging information between people by speaking, writing or using other intermediates.
People communicate for different reasons.

First, people communicate to exchange information or ideas, ask for something, choose or refuse something.
Secondly, people communicate to express their feelings, their needs and emotions.
People can also use communication to build and maintain relationships, socialize or share their experiences.
People can communicate to ask questions about any subject and also to reassure people.
People can communicate to understand each other or to work together as well.

In a work setting, communication between workers and individual …show more content…

Communication is used for understanding each other and work together. For example, service user will understand our own role as a support worker and the worker needs to understand the needs of service user.
This will result in an effective communication and strong relationship between workers and service users. Boundaries will be set, trust will be build and responsibilities will be revealed.
For example, in an effective, respectful communication between colleagues is an advantage to provide a good service to service user. Between service users and workers as well; communication is a tool to understand the needs of service user and to understand service user better.
Therefore, through communication working relationship and condition are improved in service provision.
1.2 Explain how communication affects relationship in an adult social care setting

Communication affects relationship in an adult social care setting depending on how the exchange of information is made.

In our company, we work with residents placed in a residential assessment unit for families and their babies. Communicate with the service user build trust between the service user and service …show more content…

In adult social care settings, it can help to resolve conflicts between residents.
For example, in my work setting, if one resident used the washing machine slot of another, this will result in conflicts. Through communication the problem can be resolved, negotiations are opened. Service provision may authorize the other resident another slot for him to do his washing machine.

Communication is also important between workers and visitors to the unit (other professionals or family members of the residents). Through communication, boundaries are set; rules are respected and respect between others is established. For example, workers needs to be able to explain

Communication affects relationship between colleagues. For example, through communication (verbal or written communication), a line manager will be able to give directions and tasks to the support worker. This will result in an effective and a good quality service provided to service user. Moreover, if a support worker needs to have clarification for something which hasn’t been understand well, the support worker can discuss with the line manager; thus good relationships and effective communication are

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