Example Of Interpersonal Communication In Freaks And Geeks

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Many people think it is vital to surround yourself with a group of friends and to belong, especially when you are in high school. After watching the pilot episode of Freaks and Geeks, it is evident there are several great examples of interpersonal communication, as well as numerous types of friendships. These varying relationship examples will be discussed. First off, is a look at a few of Lindsay Weir’s friendships. From this episode, it can be concluded that Lindsay and Millie previously had a stabilized friendship. The girls were in the mathletes together, and Millie even has a nickname for her, “Linds”. This is an example of emotional closeness. Throughout the episode, there were multiple examples of Millie showing concern for Lindsay. …show more content…

Rosso. Their friendship is a role-limited interaction. Their interaction is clearly awkward when he is trying to approach her about what is going on in her life. He asks if she is having problems at home, or if a boy may be causing her weird behavior. She replies no, and her body language makes it look like she would rather be anywhere else. Things continue to become more awkward when he tells her he is, “no longer Mr. Rosso, the guidance counselor, but Jeff, a friend who cares”. Lindsay’s face looks rather skeptical. She replies with, “Jeff, I’ve never felt better in my life”. From her body language and facial expression, it is easy to conclude that she is lying. It is completely understandable for her not to want to talk to Mr. Rosso about her problems. Their friendship is not on the level of emotional closeness for her to spill her feelings. Lindsay 's friendships are being faced with the obstacle of self-protection. Lindsay is afraid to share the emotional pain she is feeling from her grandmother’s death. It explains why she is becoming distant with Millie, and why she will not open up to Mr, Rosso. This is the root of her issues with both of these relationships and is possibly affecting others as

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