Evelyn's Art Project

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“Strive to make art, but change the world” is the advice Evelyn’s graduate advisor gave her for her thesis project. Evelyn, in return decided to change someone’s world; to sculpt them into a seemingly better person using just “human flesh and the human will”. Human beings, in my opinion, are art in themselves, therefore, I believe that Evelyn’s art project was actual art. Although manipulative, she helped create something different and unique. She believed that she sculpted Adam to be better, on the surface at least. Throughout the eighteen weeks that Evelyn was seeing Adam, he lost an excessive amount of weight. Evelyn claims that she induced his twenty five pounds of weight loss by making him eat healthier, as well as an exercise regimen. He also changed his hairstyle after Evelyn told him that she didn’t like the way he did it. Additionally, he replaced his glasses with contacts, changed his clothing style, got a tattoo, and even had cosmetic surgery for his nose. Overall, Evelyn had a substantial impact on what Adam changed about himself on the surface, all things that a typical society would consider an improvement. She was not only very proud of “sculpting” him to be a more attractive person, but was also …show more content…

Since she thought that what she did to Adam was morally right, she went along and did it. Others who thought that this was unethical, would not have done it. Everyone has different prospectives on which they look at art. All of these different perspectives from so many people are what make art so diverse. If everyone had the same perspective and ethics, I believe that art would be boring. Everything would be the same and there would be nothing to spark controversies or excitement. I, therefore, believe that art and ethics do coexist. There should be a healthy balance between the two in order to view different perspectives, but at the same time not be getting into constant arguments about what is

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