Eulogy For Father

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Good Morning,
Each morning I awake and before I start anything, I talk to my Father. Today was an especially emotional conversation. We all experience struggles daily. Each of these struggles we may attempt to weigh the options and make the best decision we can based on our knowledge of business, parenting, finance, our health, etc. I, like everyone else, face these same struggles. I will utilize a different decision making process however. I will ask my Father, “What should I do that would give you the most honor.” I ask for his help and he provides. The answer is not always the one I want, but it is always the one I need. As I prayed this morning I placed all my struggles on my Father’s shoulders, and he gladly relieved me of these …show more content…

I feel I must share my conversation with my Father with y’all this morning because many of you may be experiencing the same struggles as myself. The Father has been trying to take these struggles from me for weeks, but I refused to give them up because I had a feeling that I could handle these LITTLE things. He doesn’t want me to handle them, to stress, to feel down in the dumps, to feel nervous, anxious, or confused. He has put the answer in front of me many times in the last few weeks, but it was this morning that I had the “Ohh” moment. He had my pastor to speak to me about these issues last Sunday. He had me to put it in front of others at a home group a couple of Tuesdays ago. This morning he pointed it out in my daily devotion book. After reading, I said, “I am going to put all my hope in my Father”. He reassured me through a song that I love. I sat and listened to the song that describes me to a “T”. It doesn’t matter how bad of a sinner you may think you are, my Father will forgive you, embrace you, and guide you in the future. If you are not saved by the Lord’s grace, feel free to call me 731-446-6873. If you are a child of God and have been living the way you did before you were forgiven, it is time to make a change.

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