College Admissions Essay: The Day I Saved My Life

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I was born into a home that loved the Lord. I remember at a young age, going to church many hours during the week praying and serving God. My parents continued asking me when I was going to allow Jesus to come into my heart. I was very reluatate. I truly believe that the Lord saved me based off the prayers and the commitment I made by parents constantly praying for me. When I gave my life to Christ, my life began to be transformed passionately towards Him. My father is a pastor of a church in the area so my childhood was mostly spent running through the halls of the church on Sundays and Wednesdays trying not to get caught. In high school I was involved in the church music ministry. I was a drummer for the choir and worship team. Every time …show more content…

So things were totally different for me than they were back home and I had to rely on something unique to keep me in line with Christ. I started reading a devotional daily along with prayer. Reading a devotional daily changed my life. It allowed me to make the right decisions, which resulted in God working things out in my favor. During the 4 years of college God blessed me with the chance to do the unthinkable and the impossible. I give total credit to God for allowing me to be successful because of my commitment, consistency and dedication in taking the time out to read devotionals daily to see what God was saying to me daily. The Lord really matured me during the time I spent in college reading. After several years of planning, the Lord called me to write a devotional. This devotional is called “Conquering Your Crossroad Experience” a 40-day devotional on conquering life’s challenges and …show more content…

Consider how far you have fallen! Repent and do the things you did at first. If you do not repent, I will come to you and remove lampstand from its place.” Revelation 2:4-5 NIV
One of the most astounding revelations about our Creator is His passion for His creation. Our God is a passionate God and because we are created in his image, we are passionate people. God put this wonderful trait in us so we would be obsessed with Him and His kingdom. However, we live in a sinful world and the deceiver is always at work trying to divert our passions. Satan doesn’t care which distraction you’re passionate about, as long as it’s not our Savior.
We’ve all been there, we wake up one day and we’re obsessed with our hobbies. And then something happens that throws us off and causes us to not like what we once did as much. We’re not sure when it happened but somewhere along the way, we lost our passion for our lord and Savior. Often times when we lose our passion for God we lose our passion to fight strongly against our crossroads or whatever causes us problems. We tend to give up and not attempt to get

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