Personal Narrative: Overcoming Obstacles In My Life

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The obstacles we face in life have ways of shaping and molding us into the people we become in the future. Depression and anxiety are issues that I still continue to deal with to this day. Yet, through years of self healing, I have been able to reveal a tenacious side of myself that I had no idea even existed. These issues stem from relentless bullying I experienced throughout middle school. I felt as if I was not worthy of respect like everyone else around me. Going to school day after day with people who detested my existence was unbearable. It was like walking into a lion's den wearing a necklace constructed of nothing more than meat. On many occasions walked in on conversations that I was the topic of. Eighth grade brought me the most turmoil. I would …show more content…

I would go to arduous lengths to get a break from those making my life so miserable. Every day I came to school was another day for my tormentors to chip away at my self-esteem, my pride, and my worth. At this point in my life, I had stopped caring. I stopped hoping for things to get better. I was stagnant at rock bottom. In the midst of all the pandemonium, my only outlet was self-harming. It gave me a way to release all the pent-up anger and frustration I had for the downward spiral that had become my life. I was seeking control, and I thought that by hurting myself, I would be able to gain it. It did the opposite. I lost what little control I still had. I created a way of life for myself that was not only destructive but that was leading to even more malaise. I knew what I was doing was not going to ease my pain. I knew that it was not going to hide me from the wrath of my tormentors. Yet, I thought that having some control was better than having no control at all. It was the worst decision I could have ever made for myself. I was self-harming at every opportunity. I allowed my situation to consume me. I turned into a person I could no longer

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