Essay On The Impact Of Social Media

659 Words2 Pages

The effects and impacts of social media on society are pretty evident, and picturesquely obvious. People get to do things that they could not do 30 years ago like communicate across the computer network instead of going all the way to their house or job, and the overall convenience of it is a very welcomed one. This has changed people lives for the better, and in some cases, for the worse. One of the life changing ways of social media on society is that kids do not feel it is necessary to talk face to face anymore, and this is complete made evident by the many thousands of people who have Facebook pages; even parents. The effects of this has broken and in some cases, divided families because no one is spending time together anymore like they used to do. One example of this is when a mother wants to spend time with her teenage daughter, but her teenage daughter is all about finding out who Darcy broke up with on Facebook which Darcy never revealed. However, this neglect was brought to the mom by the social media that all of the kids are about these days; the girl pays a price as well because she is missing out on time with her mother. A lot of people, mostly teenagers are ignoring the precepts of family because they are more tuned into society’s social media which is not all that important. The impact of this is that people’s family values are suffering as a result because social media on society has everyone in society at each other’s throats trying to become popular. For example, the captain of the basketball team has a Facebook announcing a party that he is having at his house. Instead of the captain’s circle of friends doing their homework, they are out partying with the captain. Overtime, everybody is paying more and more atte...

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...stops dealing with her altogether. The effect of this is that it can get around all over the internet, and ruin that person whether it is financially, personally or by reputation. The impacts of these actions are grave, and extreme to the point of people getting ridiculed, isolated, and in some cases bullied. People ignore the concept of the havoc that social media can wreak on the person or people because it is not hurting anyone. However, the effects and impacts that social media has had or have cannot be so easily forgotten because so many people’s lives are changed by it every single day. Sadly, some people open themselves up to a lot of the trouble when dealing with social media because they are not being responsible about their social networking and as everyone knows, all it takes is one little mistake and your business will be everyone’s business. So be smart!

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