Essay On Peacekeeping Operations

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The Unsuccessful Peacekeeping Operations Worldwide
The United Nations is a worldwide organization founded in 1945 to ensure safety, international peace and security. This organization promotes international peace and security when armed conflicts arise. Their sole mission is to establish safe grounds in building stable environment for those in need. Their duties are to promote social progress, better living standards and human rights. However, most of the UN’s operations were not as successful as they intended, they were not able to resolve conflicts in several countries. Some of these conflicts have led to gruesome massacres. I will be discussing the unsucessful peacekeeping operations of the UN.
Failures upon the United Nations peacekeeping operation have lost control in countries such as Rwanda, Somalia and Bosnia. The UN peacekeeping operation have failed to protect people during world crime, simply because they weren’t able to fulfill their obligated duties. Many of the peacekeepers in the United Nations have agreed with terms which involves helping countries in need, setting up better living standards, and promoting human rights. Sadly, they have failed to follow their terms leaving them lose respect with nations worldwide.

Sri Lanka, is a great example of the UN not fulfilling their promises. From 1983 to 2008, Sri Lanka has faced one of the longest civil wars. This civil war has forced many immigrants and Sri Lankan people to flee. Independent experts appealed to the Human Rights Councils of the UN to investigate claims of the war crime, so that they can promote peace, and simply end the war. But, as the situation became worse, the United Nations had made no attempt to get involved with the civilians.

Among the many fa...

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...n by giving candy or small sums of money and then claim that the children are prostitutes. Places like, Bosnia , Kosovo, Cambodia, Haiti and Mozambique revealed shocking stories of seual abuse and rape.

Overall, the United Nation is unsuccessful in it’s peacekeeping operation, seeing it has lost control over many countries. In some situations such as in Sri Lanka, the UN has simply made no attempt in helping the Sri Lankan people, leaving them to die. From what I have gathered in this assignment, the UN simply just talks towards the media, telling us that everything will be okay, and that it’s up to the peacekeepers to stop this mess. In most cases none of what they are saying is being done.……………...This is why countries worldwide have lost a great deal of their respect towards the Un peacekeepers. Many of the soldiers associated in the UN are to be blamed.

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