Genocide Persuasive Essay

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The word genocide was derived from the Greek root genos (people) and the Latin root cide (killing), and did not exist in the English language until 1944, which was the end of World War II (Power). According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, genocide is “the deliberate and systematic destruction of a racial, political, or cultural group.” Such violence occurred during the Holocaust and during the separation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The problems of ethnic cleansing and repression have become so prevalent in the last century that they have contributed to two world wars, over fourteen million deaths, and a new word. United Nations Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon, said, “Far from being consigned to history, genocide and its ilk remain a serious threat. Not just vigilance but a willingness to act are as important today as ever.” Genocide is a pressing issue with a multitude of questions and debates surrounding it. It is the opinion of many people that the United Nations should not get involved with or try to stop ongoing …show more content…

Preventing genocide would save millions of lives, billions of tax dollars, and it would fulfill the responsibility of the UN. This responsibility should be taken seriously because it is necessary to defend the rights of the innocent victims. It is also important to intervene in acts of human rights that could lead to genocide, so crime does not spread out of the feuding country. Peace is one of the UN’s highest priorities (Charter of the United Nations). No one should have to live in oppression or be persecuted for their race or religion. Ethnic crimes can cause wars and genocide. Never forget genocide is dangerous, not only to individual ethnicities, but also to the world. Culture may change with geography, and there may be hundreds of ethnic groups in the world, but they are all people, and all people share the rights to freedom. Stand with the UN and support the prevention of

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