Essay On Job Shadowing

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Job Shadowing: Sorting Through the Masses Junior year is a detrimental point during the career of a high school student; terrors of future careers, college enrollment decisions, and the prospect of moving out flood the minds of nearly every soul. Lacking experience in various fields of careers, the concept of deciding on a permanent lifestyle sends shudders throughout the entire being of students. Being a junior at Ridgeview High School, I am no exception; although I have an idea of what career I intend to pursue, my concrete career decision is more of a half formed pit of mud. Initially, and for several years, my intentions were to attend Virginia Tech and achieve a degree in Software Engineering, yet, with further experience in my schools robotics program, my opinion has be reopened to a more broad spectrum of fields. For this reason I wish to enroll in a job shadowing program under a variety of engineers to study the daily …show more content…

While my mother’s initial motivational efforts pushed me to perform to the uppermost levels of my abilities, the concept of applying to college and later pursuing a career has always been a contributing factor towards my success throughout my middle and high school curriculum, so no matter how strenuous my schedule compiles to be, maintaining adequate and advanced levels of work output, both in school and other fields, has remained of upmost importance. The realization concerning a college degree impacted me at a young age, for I grasped the relationship between a degree and goals for the future. As achieving proficient grades was my primary goal throughout my youth, my end goal for my high school career is to have constructed a path among my future self may walk, and the first bound into this achievement begins with my acceptance into this job shadowing

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