Essay On Femoral Fracture

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Femoral Fracture A Femur (femoral) Fracture is one of the major causes of death nationwide. Studies have shown, regardless of a patient's age, that an early stage of the fracture has fewer complications. That approach can happen with minimal incision, and without an enormous amount of blood loss, meaning patients can get back on their feet faster. The fracture is classified by where the location of the fracture is (distal, middle, proximal), how the fracture is broken in specific directions, and whether or not the skin or muscle is torn by the injury.There are three types of femoral fracture: spiral or transverse (type 1), comminuted (type 2), and an open fracture (type 3). Since the femur is the largest bone in the body, it would a tremendous amount of force to actually cause the fracture. When this happens, it commonly causes displacement to the fracture. Dealing with the femur fracture involves concepts of pathology, treatment, and prognosis. Pathology is a usual occurrence in young people, it is caused by high-energy collision. Some of the causes are motor vehicle or …show more content…

Depending on how the bone is fractured, some patients have implantations of plates, rod, and screws to hold the bone in place, until time to be removed. Casting is is also one of the common treatments done. Patients are usually divided into 2 groups, from early treatment and late treatment in a 12 hour period after an individual's surgical. Procedure. To reduce most of the pain and to prevent infection,it may be required to takes medications, as in antibiotics. Other treatment that can is help is bed rest, and tractions, which help relieve most symptoms after surgical or less invasive fractures. Physical Therapy is a great treatment program to speed up the recovery. It includes specific exercises and activities designed for the patient to return back to living functions as better than

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