Essay On Stress Fracture

618 Words2 Pages

A stress fracture may be one of the most provoking injuries a runner can develop. Runners just always want to improve their personal best time and challenge themselves on how far they can run. But runners never pay attention to what they can do to their feet in the long term. This fracture usually occurs after a sudden increase in activity, and result from overuse. As a runner’s distance increases or intensity of the run, adjustment of the muscles may occur rapidly than bones. The human foot has five metatarsal bones. The big toe is labeled number one; the little toe is number five. Metatarsal stress fractures happen typically in numbers two, three, and four bones enduring the greatest shock when the foot strikes the ground. This becomes imbalance and accommodated when the exercise routine is advance gradually. When muscular contractions are rapid in can overcome the re-modeling bony architecture, and the bone cannot take any more stress, the crack occurs and metatarsal stress fracture develops.
Keywords: runner injures, muscular contractions, bony architecture, metatarsal bones

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