Essay On Ancient Hawaii

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Ancient Hawaii, an old civilization. This has shaped modern Hawaii and our lives. From its climate, politics, education, religion, art and architecture, technology, economics, and social live. The ancient Hawaiians are fascinating.
The Islands of Hawaii are located in the Pacific Ocean with eight main islands. Its climate is mild and summer highs are usually in the upper 80s and winters are in the low 80s. There are also wet and dry seasons on the islands. Due to the rain, The islands has become Lush and green. The Ancient Hawaiians had obtained sustainability through their water conservation and water protection rules. They also protect their environment with water protection rules, fish conservation, and use sustainable farming practices. …show more content…

Communities were self-sufficient in which people found or grew whatever they needed to feed, clothe, house themselves, meet any other religious or ceremonial traditions and to provide for their chiefs. Any extra or surplus that a farmer or fisherman produced would be shared with others. In return, the others shared what they had. They did not grow or make anything to sell as there was no markets or stores. The people produced extra to provide for the daily needs of the chiefs. The ali’i were expected to take care of the people and make sure that there was enough food and supplies for everyone, and to conduct ceremonies that pleased the gods.
The Hawaiian society evolved into layered hierarchy. The highest authority was the mo`i, the ali`i holding the highest chiefly rank. He was the ruler and owner of all annual taxes, oversaw important religious rites and acted as leader during war. The Ali’i ‘s advisers were the kalaimoku, or chief minister, and the kahuna nui, or high priest.
The children of the Ali'i learned to be leaders, children of the kahuna studied the profession of their parents. Without books, all of the practices were taught through oral tradition. All and all, the Ancient Hawaiian civilization is something to marvel at. From its climate, politics, education, religion, art and architecture, technology, economics, and social live. The ancient Hawaiians has shaped modern Hawaii and our lives

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