Elements Of Public Relations

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Public relations is acknowledged to be very vital to the survival of organizations, institutions and individuals, through its multifaceted functions, as identified above, includes the following: Counseling: Public relations provides advice to management concerning policies, relationships, and communication with its various publics.
Research: Through research, public relations determines attitudes and behaviors of publics through research in order to plan public relations strategies. Such research can be used to generate mutual understanding or influence and persuade publics.
Media Relations: Public relations works with the mass media in seeking publicity or responding to their interest in the organization, in order to enhance organizational …show more content…

These activities may include advertising, collateral materials, publicity, promotion, direct or indirect services.

Elements of Public Relations

Lattimore (2004:5) is of the opinion that Public relations, as a management function encompasses the following:
• Anticipating, analysing and interpreting public opinion, attitudes and issues which might impact for good or ill, the operations and plans of the organisation.
• Management counselling at all levels in the organisation about policy decisions, courses of communication and action, taking into account theconsequences of the public, and the group’s citizenship or social responsibilities.
• Researching, conducting and evaluating, on a continuing basis, programmes of action and communication to achieve informed public understanding necessary to the success of an organisation’s aims. These include marketing, financial, fundraising, employee, community or government relations, and other programmes.
• Planning and implementing the organisation’s efforts to influence or change public policy
• Setting objectives, planning, budgeting, recruiting and training staff, and developing facilities- in short, managing the resources needed to perform all of the …show more content…

However, as a plan, strategy is conceived in advance, has a purpose and is thoughtful to some degree. Public relations works best as a strategic management function. Strategic public relations is focused on achieving objectives and goals that contribute to the overall purpose and mission of an organisation. Strategic management is the science and art of formulating, implementing, and evaluating cross-functional decisions that will enable an organization to achieve its

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