Education In Early Childhood Education

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Early Childhood Education is defined as education and child care services that are provided to children from birth to the age of 8. During the years of early childhood education, children take part in a lot of different education settings. When people hear that you are an Education major, they cant help but ask why do you want to be a teacher? Aren’t teachers underpaid? The answer to that question is yes; being a teacher is an underpaid profession. Teachers don’t get paid enough for the things they have to do everyday with their students. Even though teachers do not get paid as well as they should, nothing is as rewarding as when you make a difference in a child’s life. During the ages of birth to 8 years old, these children look to their educators as role models. As a role model you are responsible for loving and caring for your students and teaching them new things everyday. Intentional teachers have a purpose for the decisions they make and they are able to explain that purpose to others. They have goals that are set out for their students and they want to help them reach those...

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