Early Childhood Education Chapter 3 Summary

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Early childhood education, although constantly evolving, was actually established and practiced as early on as the times of Ancient Greece and Rome. The foundation that early childhood education is based upon is to instill in children the skills needed to succeed later on in life, while making sure young children enjoy their time in schooling. Throughout chapter 3 in the textbook Who Am I in the Lives of Children, the reader is capable of evaluating just how greatly the methods for teaching today’s youth have evolved and changed for the better. During the times of Ancient Greece and Rome which was around 400 B.C- A.D 200, most children under the age of seven according to the textbook were cared for by their mothers and extended family members. …show more content…

John would be the man that would in the near future write about education, which he believed could be one of the biggest keys in improving society. This is exceptionally true in today’s world as the world leaders currently dominating and overpowering are those that attained a good education and were pushed to their limits by teachers and parents alike. The education our youth and society receive in their primetime “zone” for learning, is what will either determine their getting a good job or ending up homeless. Comenius believed that all individuals being equal before God should in turn be entitled to equal education. “He believed that schools should prepare children for life and for further education that he envisaged as taking place in a series of ascending grades, where at each level the child would be exposed to an ever widening circle of knowledge” (145). This basis of schooling that John Amos came up with still remains the system we use today, of course with a few tweaks. In today’s schooling there are three sections of schooling which are then divided into subparts based on age and intelligence. A man by the name of John Locke however had somewhat contradicting ideas regarding teaching over nurturing. Locke believed that a child would most succeed if they are given knowledge to be received through their

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