Legislative Branch In Politics

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The Legislative Branch of our government has a huge impact on our society. Politicians who are in Legislative positions have the power to create and pass laws. These members have a tremendous impact on how we live our lives diurnally. They are very powerful and this power often times creates egos and selfishness when it is time to be re-elected. The power and the money both cause for politicians in Congress to desire to be re-elected into office, most of the time not for their fellow voters but for themselves and their own views. David Mayhew, a scholar in congress, says he has figured out how congress functions. He states how members of congress are single-minded seekers of re-election in order to preserve their power as a member in Congress. He explains the three actions in his theory that members in congress participate in, in order to get re-elected. These …show more content…

An example of credit claiming would be, a prospective member of congress building a facility on a colleges campus, in an attempt for voters to favor him over any of his opponents. Advertising is another activity that plenty of prospective members of congress participate in, in order to get re-elected. Plenty of politicians will advertise their name on the media, through campaign stickers, social media, websites, there are plenty of ways that politicians advertise. When advertising some politicians attempt to throw down their opponents by stating negative things about them that the public may not favor, in order to gain votes. Often times, politicians also lie while advertising. Position-Taking is the third activity that prospective members of congress participate in. Position-Taking is when a prospective politician makes a statement or stance on a particular issue. An example of Position-Taking would be a politician being in favor for the most popular issue, legalizing same-sex

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