Dogs Vs Kittens Essay

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Dogs and Kittens! Not many people think these two animals, will ever cooperate. But if you look at it the other way- Not many people actually know what’s going on in the minds of these animals. If a dog who just had puppies decides to foster a litter of new kittens, the dog will have different approaches towards his puppies and towards the new kittens. For kittens and puppies, are very different animals that eats different food, that sounds different, and that responds to different kinds of commands. So, by listing the differences, the dog needs to have a special way of cooperating with the kittens, so the kittens can feel comfortable and safe. Dogs are carnivores that are domestic (can be found in homes). They are sometimes shown in cartoons, “chasing cats”, and “fighting with them”. There is no doubt that the relationship a dog and a cat have is negative. So, how can a dog who just had puppies foster a litter of new kittens? Well, they can start by, loving and caring for the kittens. Kittens have feelings, this specific kittens were abandoned by their parents. So, they need all the love they can get from the dog. It might come to a point, where the puppies might treat the kittens badly, because they are not from the same family. When this situation occur, the dog should have no doubt to …show more content…

For, sometimes, people think that bringing a person/animal home is enough, but talking, caring, explaining to the person/animal about their new environment, will be the best way to start. The dog should make sure the kittens feel safe in their new environment. Also, to make sure, the animals around, including the puppies of the dogs have accepted the kittens to be their brother and sister. For if they don’t, the kittens will have a very hard time being happy and feeling

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