Documentation In A Lab Notebook

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Documentation in a lab notebook is very important for multiple reasons. When using documentation in a lab notebook it is important to write every single thing down. Writing every detail down is a big deal because of how many different things that those details are needed for. When doing a lab it is important to right every step down. When observing changes or going back over the lab you must know every step you did to make sure you know what happened during the lab. If all measurements are not recorded and something were to go wrong, then there would be no help as to knowing why the lab went wrong. There also needs to be record of everything that happens in a lab for legal reasons. If the lab is important and is a test for a company or government, …show more content…

It is important that all things be recorded for proof and explanation of what is happening in a lab. In new discoveries it is key that the research is shown in the lab with all of the details. In a case involved with CRISPR there is a fight and lawsuit over a patent. In this case lab notebooks from both sides of scientists in this fight are being observed and carefully read. Having everything in your lab notebook can help you no matter what. Even if what you wrote down is incorrect it is still better than having no information written down. Having false information can benefit you to still learn from the mistakes you have made and still be able to make up the lab and do it correctly. In the case involved with CRISPR, “the Berkeley team asked the USPTO to begin an interference proceeding to determine which team was the first to invent the technique. The proceeding will be much like a court case, with both sides presenting evidence culled from publications and laboratory notebooks. Once the [USPTO] declares and interference, that is really when the fur is going to fly Sherkow predicted in a June interview”. This all has happened because of an incident and mess up with a

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