Dna Extraction Lab Report

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Katelyn Woodall Period 4A 1.13.2016 Absent

How to Extract DNA There are many ways to extract DNA and it has become better as the generations of life have gotten smarter and passed. People extract DNA in many different ways. One of the ways could be magnetic extraction. Magnetic extraction started in the early 1990s. They used a multi- layered magnetic to pull out the DNA from blood. Another way to extract DNA is by solution based methods. There are also different ways of solution base methods. The salting out method was used back around 1979. They used glass powder stuff to purify DNA. Similar steps are used through most of the solution extracts so they can contribute the DNA cells evenly. They usually combine nuclear acid. These solutions also use buffering with pacific Ph. to make a chemical change. After many steps through columns and buffering the DNA is later placed in distilled water after it has been cleaned. There are other ways to extract DNA. You can even do it at home with in house items. You can even do this easy experiment in three easy steps. Blend a bag of peas then strain them into a blender. After pouring all that into a cup then poor liquid detergent into the …show more content…

You can do it either in a lab or with any at home material. How does DNA extraction work? Well they break open things such as cells or other living particles to get to the nucleus to get DNA. They use different methods to break down the walls of cells so they can get to the DNA and Proceed with DNA extraction. Proteins from DNA or a cell are taken and split. There are two phases. In this process DNA is also mixed with cold substances which can be ethanol. Alcohol is added to take out the salt that can be used in the salting solutions of DNA extraction. The alcohol will clean the DNA. When a scientist does a lab on DNA extraction they may use equipment like: a bead beater, centrifuge and gel

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