Differences Between Romeo And Juliet Play And Movie

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Have people ever wondered which is better actually reading the the Romeo and Juliet play that's about true love or being lazy and watching the movie first and go off that ? There are major differences in comparison from the actual play from 1595 to the movie that was made in 1969. That Zeffirelli had chosen to changed while directing the Romeo and Juliet Movie were scenes like the balcony,the fighting, and the very end of Romeo and Juliet Scenes. Why did he do it no one really knows why he did. In Act II, Scene two the Balcony Scene where romeo and Juliet finally protest their love toward one another and see that they are in true love. This is one of the most important scenes because it show the love and a bond forming between the two young lovers. In the movie there were some differences and similarities. Some of the similarities are that the movie did stick with Romeo Leaving his friends behind at the part to go find Juliet. As well as the part of Rome jumps over the the Capulets garden steep wall. But there were a couple but not a whole lot of …show more content…

Now in the play in act 5 a total of four of the characters died but in the movie only two died in Act 5. The only real similarities are that Romeo and Juliet die and Balthazar told Romeo that Juliet died. At the same time the differences are that in the movie Romeo never went to the apothecary witch in the play he did. Also In the movie when Romeo and Balthasar went to the Capulet tomb Romeo never gave his servant the reason why he did go into the tomb and he opened the tomb with a boulder but in the play he told Balthasar that he was going to give juliet a final kiss and retrieve a ring from her. Romeo also opened the tomb the a iron crowbar. And the biggest Difference was that Lady Montague died from grief but in the movie she lived and Romeo never fought Parris in the movie at the Capulet

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