Descriptive Essay About Miracle Camp

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According to an expert, “ A lot of parents pack up their troubles and send them off to summer camp.” Maybe that is what my parents were thinking? I was at Miracle Camp in Lawton, Michigan in June of 2015. Miracle Camp in a Christian camp for anyone who wants to deepen their love and understanding of the Lord. You can accomplish all of this while having the most fun you have ever had! I went with a few of my really close friends so I got to grow closer to the Lord with some friends. There are a lot of things that you can do at Miracle Camp during your 2 hours of free time. I will try and name the different activities, that you can do at Miracle Camp. You can go to the lakefront, and at the lakefront you can go tubing, blobbing, be on a water trampoline, boating, or you can just hang out in the water! If you are not quite the water fanatic then there are many other possibilities for you. On the main campus, you can go to the craft shack, the coffee stand, play frisbee golf, or go to the gym and play glow in the dark Dodgeball! Miracle Camp even has something for the adventurous side of everyone. You can walk to the Back 40 (which is the 4 acres of …show more content…

From breakfast everyone goes to the chapel for worship and a devotional lesson. Next your cabin individually will have a mini devotion about what happened in the chapel. While at Miracle camp each girl cabin had a boy cabin as “bros” and vise versa. So after your devotions with your group you would play a bro-sis game, and see who could rack up the most points. Soon after the bro-sis game is over you will head back to the dining hall and scarf down some lunch. Now the next part of the day is obviously the best part. IT WAS NAP TIME!!! Even as 8th graders, we all deserve a little bit of a nap sometime. After nap time you would have free

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