Darice Britt's The Psychology Of Gifting

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I was reading comments left in response to an article by Darice Britt called the Psychology Behind Gift Gifting and came across this statement from Nastasia Love about receiving gifts.

"What matters to me is the person understands, or has tried to understand me, tried to do something that is relevant to me and our relationship."

What matters to Nastasia is what I believe really matters to most women who receive gifts from their significant other and I think we can sum it up in one word - UNDERSTANDING.
Use your gift to convey understanding

One of the appealing aspects of being in a committed relationship is having a person in this world of 7 billion plus that "gets you". Gifts are a way of tangibly showing that this understanding exists. In a study by researchers Jeffrey Durges and Trina Sego, 10 couples were asked to recall delightful gifts that they had received from one another, one gentleman "knew that his wife had many of the amenities appropriate to an upper-middle class woman, except pearls, so he gave her a strand of pearls." …show more content…

How does this gift convey understanding? I am using my imagination, but when she opened the jewelry box and saw the pearls she probably thought ...finally, a strand of pearls, what every woman should have in her collection and what I've been missing, perfect for my black dress. He knew I needed pearls. I love this man."

It showed understanding of the type of woman she is and her social role. It tells her that he is attentive to what she has and doesn't have, but wants.

The same study also compiled some strategies that gift givers used to arrive at these gifts. Perhaps these will help you to tap into some

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