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Cyberbullying can have many harmful effects on the victim’s mental health. Cyber bullying is when someone bullies another person by the means of technology. Cyberbullying can cause one to me suicidal or have other mental illnesses. There are ways to protect yourself and children from being victims of cyberbullying. Cyberbullying is illegal and you can face criminal charges if you engage in cyberbullying.
Cyberbullying also known as Cyber stalking is bullying someone through the internet or any other electronic source. Some say cyberbullying is the most dangerous `kind of internet harassment. Cyberbullying is a crime and you can be charged with misdemeanor all the way to federal charges. Cyberbully is dangerous and is a crime because it can cause one to have mental health problems or even committing suicide (Online-State Cyberstalking and Cyberharassment Laws).
Cyberbullying can cause mental health problems or a person to commit suicide. Cyberbullying is amoe dangerous that bullying face to face. Meredith Bower wrote about the dangers of cyberbullying. She said...

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