Cultural Differences In The Movie Babies

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In the movie “Babies” I witnessed cultural differences between four babies lives. In the beginning of the film it started off showing all of the babies, including introducing them; Mari from Japan, Hattie from San Francisco, Ponijao from Namibia and Bayar from Mongolia. These babies coming from 4 divergent countries will be growing up differently; the video will show them from the beginning of their precious lives up until they start walking. The 2010 film Babies demonstrates the cultures of Namibia, Mongolia, Japan and the US from the Conflict Theorists perspective. I witnessed many cultural universals in the movie Babies. Cultural universals are common features that have been found in all human cultures. Cultural Universals examples for a family would be the mothers taking care of the children throughout the whole film. In order for the babies to function they have to eat, whether it be by breastmilk or formula. The babies also had a roof over their heads. Hattie lived in a house, Mari lived in a small apartment, Bayar lived in a yurt, and Ponijao lived in a tiny hut. Babies always need to have something to fidget with in their little hands, in the movie the babies experienced playing. Granted playing means different things, an example would be when Ponijao played with dirty sticks and …show more content…

A folkway is a norm that describes socially acceptable behaviors or traditions. A couple folkways that come to mind after watching the film include when Hattie was celebrating her birthday, she had tons of friends and family over for a party, while Bayar was brought to a party by his family. Mores are norms that have great moral significance attached to them. When Hatties mom was teaching her right from wrong, they read a book on hitting and how it is bad. Another example would be when Bayar was playing in the bucket of water and he tipped it over, his mother spanked him because that was

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