Breaking A Folkway

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Sociology Essay What is a folkway? Folkway can be described as community customs. Folkways can also refer to the standards of behavior that are socially accepted, however, not morally significant. They are considered the norms for everyday behavior that the community is expected to follow for the purpose of tradition and convenience. Norms on the other hand can be described as particular cultural expectations that govern the behavior of people in a society. Breaking a folkway is not a serious offence and does not lead to a sanction. Examples of folkways include cultural forms of food habits and dress. When was the last time you violated a folkway and describe the folkway you violated? The last time I violated a folkway was in 2008. This happened during a family gathering (family party). Family members, friends and relatives had all gathered to celebrate the Christmas festivals in our house. It was during the dinner time when all the members gathered around the dinner table. While eating, I belched loudly making all the guests and family members to feel uncomfortable. …show more content…

If so, how were you sanctioned for this violation? It is culturally not appropriate to belch loudly while eating, especially, in the presence of guests. Even though I broke the folkway, there was no legal or moral consequence that I faced. I was not subjected to any legal punishment, neither was I punished by the social control ethics that govern the moral conduct of the society. However, after the visitors had left, my parents scolded me for such actions. I was told not to repeat such actions again. It was quite evident that my actions would only bring shame on me and I felt the urge of not repeating such

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