Crimson Tide Personality

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Personality assessment of the two main characters in the movie Crimson Tide, Lt. Commander Ron Hunter (Denzel Washington) and Captain Frank Ramsey (Gene Hackman Both men are leader but taught in different ways. Capt. Ramsey was among the very few commanders remaining in the Navy with experience in combat. Capt. Ramsey interpret things through what he has experience throughout his navel career he did not have a family life the navy was his life. Lt. Commander Ron Hunter is highly educated family man but no combat experience. He is working for the first time, as an Executive office, with Capt. Ramsey. He has no combat experience, he is going solely of what he has learned. Because of that it creates a problem. When there is confusion in leader …show more content…

A relationship is shared between the leader and the follower based on 4 individual styles. Instead of using just one style, successful leaders should change their leadership styles based on the maturity of the people they're leading and the details of the task.

Lt Commander Ron Hunter
High Systematic Style: People with the Systematic Style tend to be objective, thorough, and accurate, making them excellent problem solvers.

High Considerate style: People with the Considerate Style are reliable and considerate, making them great team members.

Spirited Style:

Captain Frank Ramsey
High Direct Style: Tend to maintain a fast pace and work single-mindedly towards goals.
Spirited Style: People with the spirited style thrive in the spotlight and do well in high profile positions.
Systematic Style: People with the Systematic Style tend to be objective, thorough, and accurate, making them excellent problem solvers.

Low Considerate style: People with the Considerate Style are reliable and considerate, making them great team members.
Systematic Style:

Strengths: Makes decisions based on facts, Asks for specific details, is analytical
Likes a task-oriented environment, Stays calm and rational, is disciplined with

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