Marine Corps Reflection

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What can you do to capture the hearts and minds of the people, to leave an impact on society and to provide fulfillment for your junior Marines. You give them a why, “Your Why provides you with clarity, meaning and direction” ("Start With Why > Learn Your Why"). Having a understanding of why will help in your action to contribute to the world which will help on having an impact in this world. Having a why is also a useful tool in a person finding worth in their self. Your why can also be from your past and it is that why that shapes your future. As leaders we can inspire others through our action,resolution and by leading by example. All of this constitutes our why which gives meaning to the men and women who we inspire. But how can we make sure that they grow junior troops to be better, not only as Marines but as stand up adults who contribute to society. To do this we have to help them understand and redefine their why.

How can we take these concepts that Simon Sinek talked about and relate it to today's Marine Corps? I think that these concepts relate greatly to the Marine Corps today. The answers to the questions that I asked as a young Marine coming up through the …show more content…

But the question has to be asked as to who is helping in this way to leadership. I have seen too many times as the wrong person is in charge. How can I affect change through this. Complacency kills so my recommendation is that their has to be a leadership course that each leader has to come back too so that they can reassess their leadership style. What do we do when the command is just NJP happy and doesn't know to do anything else. Their needs to be a course for this platform that will shake the complacency

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