Creative Writing: The Howling Wolves

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There was not really much of a choice. To live or to die. Mr Murderer was staring at me, waiting for me to accept his offer. What is he, a pimp? What was I going to do, working for him? I sighed, it was a terrible decision to run into the woods. It was a mistake to have stayed and watched him kill the victim. I shuddered, the image of the victim falling like a rag doll onto the damp ground kept playing on loops. I have always watched gruesome shows where I saw fake dead bodies, but seeing a real life corpse right in front of me...that was a different story. "You surely want to live, so why consider?" Mr Murderer's voice brought me out of my thoughts, and I took in a deep breath. "Before I agree to your...offer," I paused. "Who are you?" …show more content…

I gulped, their killings that were in the newspapers headlines so many times, their leader, Jared Lloyd, was on the police's number one on the most wanted list. "Now that I have introduced myself, come with me," he said and I followed him. Climbing up the stairs, I realised two bodyguards were following us, watching my every move. Twisting the door handle, Jared opened the door as I followed him. "This is your room," he said. I looked at the spacious room with awe. This was so much better than my room back at home. I frowned, I missed my family. "So what am I supposed to do?" I asked. "Your job is really simple really, seduce men and gain information from them, but of course, you'll need to learn to fight," he replied. "How about school?" "You'll still go to school, we wouldn't want your school involved, would we?" he asked and I shook my head. " parents..." I trailed off. God only knows how worried were they. "I sent one of my men to act as your boyfriend. He told them you needed more time alone. I suppose that would give us more time," he replied. I worried endlessly about my family. Lucas would have called the police by now, if not for

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