Creative Thinking In The Navy: A Case Study

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One of the most challenging situation in the Navy in which maximum creative thinking is required is taking a helicopter detachment out to sea. Some helicopters commands deploy as an organization together, but others are divided into detachments of around 20 people and assigned to a naval ship for six months, to do solo missions as of Narcotics Drugs Ops, etc. As the detachment leader, you have to be creative and think outside of the box to make this happen. The first thing is put the group together and start collecting data of each one. Who are single parents, do they have a family plan for a situation like this one, who needs a government credit card, who needs passports, who is medically ready and who is not, who has deployed before and who is not. In other words and referring to the textbook, a referring to the top management recommendation, ensure that the organization has the necessary resources in time, money and people to commit to this kind of change (Lussier & Achua, 2016). This is just the basic question that will require immediate attention and a lot of creative think when the answer to …show more content…

Tools, support equipment, and spare parts are the next move. You have to set up a crane on the pier to load your equipment onto the ship. How many spare parts the ship will have for the helicopter for six months, including hazmat. This will require a full wall-to-wall inventory of the spare parts and other whatever you will need that the ship does not have, and remember your window is four weeks. These are some of the challenges that we face in the military on the daily basis. Per the textbook, the best way to accomplish a task of this magnitude is to become an SMT champion and utilize distributed leadership in which I can delegate tasks to different individuals in their areas of expertise (Lussier & Achua,

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