Comparing Hope In Shawshank Redemption And Cool Hand

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Luke and Andy, Though being the main characters in two different movies, display many similar character attributes throughout both of their films. Both starting out at the bottom of their respective food chains, worked their way up to become well known, and highly regarded members of their prisons. In both films, Shawshank Redemption, and Cool Hand Luke, hope rises from each of their sentences as they battle hardships, and overcome extreme circumstances. Simply just by never losing hope, they both became legends, and were continually talked about long after their departure from the prisons. Hope is a huge recurring theme in both of these movies, most of which happened in a similar manner. Andy Dufresne, during his 28 years at Shawshank prison, …show more content…

He could have given up at any moment, but instead he decided to go for it finally coming out on the other side. The hole in the wall was no easy task, but I would be willing to bet it was more fun than crawling through a 50 inch diameter tube full of shit for about half a mile. Laying in a pile of poop would be enough to make some people call it quits, but instead of giving up, Andy crawled through the poo filled tunnel, making it to freedom. Never once did he give up hope. Luke on the other hand didn’t literally have to crawl through shit, but did go through some shit of his own. After being put in the hot box for a week due to finding out that his mother died, not for doing anything wrong, but for fear he might try something, he does try something, he try’s to run for the first time. Almost successful, the dogs end up sniffing him out, and he receives a beating due to, “a failure to communicate.” Being his first escape attempt they gave him minimal punishment. Time in the box, and a nice set of chains for his ankles. He then continues to try and run again, managing to remove his chain, he once again gets caught, this time being forced to do unnecessary labor, and then immediately receiving a deadly beating. Having everyone, including the guards, thinking that he had given up hope, he attempts to escape one last time by stealing a truck, ultimately resulting in his death. This shows how much hope Luke had, being as he died fighting for his own

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