Compare And Contrast The Egyptian Revolution And The American Revolution

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The Egyptian Revolution of 2011 was very similar to the American revolution. In Both these revolutions they wanted change. In the American revolution the result was colonies getting their independence from Great Britain. At the end of the Egyptian Revolution, Egypt changed their leader, and ended a corrupt government. The meaning of a revolution is overthrow of the government by the people. These revolutions are similar but the American revolution consisted of 8 years and battles such as the Battle of Lexington and Concord, or the Battle of Yorktown. The Egyptian revolution consisted 18 days and no battles. Therefore, the outcome of the Egyptian Revolution of 2011 and the American Revolution were similar because they fought for a new government …show more content…

This is true for the American revolution because they wanted a new government. They wanted to separate from the British government. The British government thought of America as their colony. That was not the case, the Americans thought of themselves as British citizens. After King George the third started to implement unnecessary taxes on the united states. The Americans were furious because they still considered themselves citizens of Britain. The British government kept on using America to their advantage. For example, the British wanted to control the lands west of the Appalachians. The went to the war with Indians. The British implemented an act called the quartering act. This act made it fine for a solder of Britain to stay in an Americans house, and the Americans had to provide food, and shelter to the solder at their own cost. In addition, it wasn’t voluntary, they had to do that if a solder came to their house. The Americans at this point were very angry because they were taxed to benefit the British, and they also were not represented. This was one of the major reasons why the Americans fought the British and had

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