Apush Dbq Essay

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During the 1700’s the Britain Colonist decided to declare war against Great Britain. The war began due to friction between the British colonists over the King's policies. The colonist eventually lost their patience and started a revolution. High taxes, and no religious freedom led the colonist to fight for self government. The number one reason that the colonists began protests, and boycotts, against the British was because they believed their natural rights as citizens were being violated. After the french and Indian War Great Britain was in massive debt. So the King began to tax the colonies. For example the heavy taxes in the colonies led to the Boston Massacre and to the Boston Tea Party. The British then adopted the policy of mercantilism. …show more content…

The Intolerable Acts is several acts the British government put in place to punish the colonist for disobeying. For example One act closed the Boston Harbor until the colonist paid for the lost tea and learned to respect the British Parliament. So the colonist called first Continental Congress meeting. This meeting consist of delegates from the colonies, in reaction to the heavy taxes forced by the British Government. This meeting made the colonist call for a revolution and freedoms from Britain control. There were many battles between the British and the colonists. Lexington and concord, and the battle of Bunker Hill and that's only two. Lexington and concord was the first war engagements held between the British and the people. Two hundred forty people died in Lexington and concord. Next was the battle at Bunker Hill. Bunker Hill was the deadliest battle throughout the revolutionary war. One thousand people perished In this engagement. However eventually the colonist also known as the Americans won this long fight for freedom. America won the revolutionary war in 1783. They were no longer under the rule of Great Britain. America was completely free and had no mother country. We became a democracy and was no longer a monarchy. We could than elect a president and the colonies had a say so in the government. Even after being beat down by Britain, America rebelled, started a revolution, and won the war. All for one word;

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