Compare And Contrast Sports Drinks Vs Water Essay

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In order to maintain a good healthy diet one most know what they are putting in their bodies first. A main factor in a healthy diet is to stay hydrated, water is in a important thing in this. Although most people substitue water with sports drink either they prefer drinking them for the taste or they belive that drinking sport drinks is better then drinking juice. For one to actually have a good diet sports drinks shouldn’t be included and the person mostly should only drink water. In order to drink sports drinks there are a few considertions to have first. To begin, it has the word ‘’sports’’ in front of it so the person must be doing a sport of some sort not only this put if they are execrsing for more than 60 mintues. In the photograph …show more content…

In order to replace the water that was lost they drink sports drink to replace it and maintain the body’s health. The human body uses water to regulate body tempature, transport oxygen, nutrients and dispose of waste this is why it is important for a person to stay hydrated and to make sure that they get enough water before they become dehyrated. In the article ‘’Sports Drinks vs. Water Which Is better for you?’’ it shows both sides of the arugment and makes the person decided which is best for them. Basically sports drinks vs. water all comes down to how intense and how long the workout or actvity is. Sports drinks contain electroyles and carbohydates, as the article states ‘’While exercising for short periods of time, it is not necessary to replace electrolytes; however, athletes and marathon participants exercising for period of an hour or more can benefit from electrolyte replacement in particular.’’ If a person isn’t doing any type of activity that makes them sweat then they don’t need to have a sports drink becasue then they will only add electroytes that they don’t even need not only this but sports drinks contain sugar and carolies so they are actually gaining by drinking sports

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