Dehydration In Sports

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Dehydration is a very serious issue. It can be as minimal as not drinking enough water during a workout at home or as dangerous as countries that do not experience water for months on end. Either way, it is serious enough the we need to do something about it. There are drinks with electrolytes, like Gatorade and BodyArmour, that are used to refuel and hydrate your body. These type of drinks are mainly used for athletes that play sports, run, or anything that strains your body to where you sweat. This is how and when dehydration occurs. Dehydration is when a person loses more fluids than he or she takes in. This usually occurs when a person sweats during a physical activity such as sports or working outside when it is hot. When a person sweats, it is the body's way of cooling down. Dehydration does not just affect your outside body by making you tired and weak, it also affects your cells. When dehydration happens,and your body’s your body’s …show more content…

When red blood cells are concentrated, during dehydration, they produce more lactic acid than the body needs. This is called Lactic acidosis, when there is an abundant amount of lactic acid being produced when it is not needed. This causes a buildup of lactic acid in the body, which can result in heart failure, cancer, seizures, liver failure, and low blood sugar. Dehydration is not just something that stays for a few hours and then goes away. Without the proper amounts of liquid in your body, you can’t function properly. If dehydration is ignored and is prolonged for awhile, it can have significant effects on your body. Severe dehydration that has lasted for a long time can have symptoms that include: not having to pee or having dark yellow pee, flaky, dry skin, dizziness, rapid heartbeat and breathing, sunken in eyes, fatigue, confusion, easily irritated, lack of energy, and fainting or blackouts. In very serious cases, severe dehydration can be

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