Compare And Contrast Hunger Games And The Most Dangerous

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In the popular stories The Hunger Games and “The Most Dangerous Game” the main characters are skilled hunters that are partaking in games where they have to hunt while being hunted. They both show main traits of “true survivors”, including using their hunting knowledge to survive, using resources and building traps, and standing up to their fear or being able to turn it around. Katniss and Rainsford both used their hunting knowledge to survive their challenges. Examples include when Katniss was looking for Peeta and found blood on the ground that could have easily been missed. When Katniss was at home she would look for the faint tracks of animals to hunt for food and applying these to the game helped her in finding Peeta. Rainsford also …show more content…

In The Hunger Games, Katniss was shown the nest of tracker jackers above where Cato and his group of people were camping out. The group was waiting for Katniss to come into sight after hiding in a tree but she cut the branch the nest was lying on and the tracker jackers caused the group extreme pain and even a death as everyone ran. Katniss scared the group away and retrieved a bow from one of them. There was a great chance of her being dead if there was no nest. In “The Most Dangerous Game”, Rainsford built a trap called a Malay man-catcher. He built it of trees that he found and hoped that General Zaroff would set it off. He did but unfortunately only his shoulder was hurt, but Rainsford did not give up on his traps. He next built a Burmese tiger-pit out of digging a hole and then using sticks, leaves, and other brush to hide the sharp stakes he had placed in the hole. This trap was again not lethal to Zaroff but this time one of his best dogs was lost. The General realized that he could no longer take Rainsford on by himself and had to bring the rest of his pack of dogs to try to hunt Rainsford. This can be used as an example of fear because Zaroff has only needed to use the dogs once before while hunting and he also had to bring Ivan with. Zaroff could not handle that he had a possibility of losing a hunt and Rainsford made him understand that not everything could be

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