Comparing The Hunger Games 'And Animal Farm'

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The hunger games and Animal farm sharing a lot of the same qualities including betrayal, propaganda and dictatorship, make the two similar and comparable. Both films/books show how abuse of power can change the whole configuration of a community. The distinction between the higher and lower class is also underlined.
A key mutual aspect that animal farm and hunger games both portrayed were how there was a superior group in both films that were selfish and made everything for/about them only. In animal farm, the Pigs had more food whilst all other animals kept a small fraction between one another. On the other hand in the hunger games, there would be a vivid distinction between the higher and lower class; the Capitol being the predominant class …show more content…

A form napoleon used propaganda was by manipulating the animals into believing Snowball was the cause of all the problems the farm animals were encountering by creating rumours which slowly evolved and became such an epidemic in the farm that they eventually all concluded that it was only best to expel snowball. The way Napoleon had ultimately won them over was by blaming the windmill incident and the breaking of the eggs on Snowball. “Snowball has done this thing! In sheer malignity, thinking to set back our plans and avenge himself for his ignominious expulsion, this traitor has crept here under cover of night and destroyed our work of nearly a year.” - Napoleon when the news broke that the windmill had been destroyed overnight. In the hunger games, a propaganda video was shown to the districts to convince them that the hunger games is the only way peace would be served/kept to the people. The districts not knowing that the only reason why they were shown the video was to conceal the real purpose behind the games; a scare tactic to divide the capitols & districts

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