Compare And Contrast Essay About Moving To New Orleans

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Hand granade – A family tradition
Adapting to New Orleans was not hard as I thought it would be. I would say it is one of the most welcoming cities I have ever been to. I moved to New Orleans around six years ago from Honduras and adapted fast to it. Its culture, food, music, drinks and traditions are something everyone should experience at least once in their lifetime. I would not say I had gotten in touch with all the wonderful things New Orleans has to offer (I know, it's shameful.) However, I am willing to learn and enjoy all the aspects of the city to become part of it. The city is my second home and I am proud of it.
Since I moved here, I always heard my family and friends talking about Bourbon St. and about the craziness and fun one …show more content…

I was eighteen years old, my doubts and desires to visit that place and to try what was inside of the green grenade shaped like bottle flourished. Who wouldn't want to try something almost everyone described as one of the best drinks they have ever had? It is one of the drinks that represent New Orleans and its uniqueness. This city has a thing for frozen/iced alcoholic beverages. There was me, accompanied by my parents, entering the crowded street for the first time. Getting amazed because of seeing the majority of the people holding a hand grenade or something similar. Looking at the happiness in their faces gave me satisfaction, even though deep inside I knew they were just …show more content…

I do not know yet what about trying this drink got me so excited. Was it that I just wanted to be cool like the rest or was it that I wanted experience something unique to New Orleans? Who knows... I had the frozen hand grenade with me now, and I couldn't wait to try it. It amazed me, it has a sweet melon taste that hides the alcohol pretty well. I needed to know what ingredients it contains, and my curiosity owned me that I went to ask. They just handed me a flyer which said it was a secret, which stays as a mystery for me until

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