New Orleans Essay

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New Orleans is an American city known for being very different from the rest of America. The differences vary in food, attitude, location, and atmosphere. These differences make New Orleans a unique part of America, but these differences come with a price. New Orleans has been through various things such as white supremacy in its early days as a colony, Hurricane Katrina, and others. White supremacy may even still carry on today. Our nation still does not understand how to handle New Orleans. Support groups and government have good intentions behind their actions in some cases but sometimes it just falls through. FEMA tried to help during Hurricane Katrina, but the politics within the organization made things worse instead of better. The federal …show more content…

It is also resistance towards white supremacy. In the essay, it discusses the police’s disruption of the Mardi Gras Indians performance. The police arrested several Mardi Gras Indians and scared the children. From reading the essay, I think this resistance comes from the African American community in New Orleans. New Orleans is heavily populated with African Americans. While this resistance comes all residence of New Orleans, I think the major push comes from the African American residents of New Orleans. This resistance is about achieving justice in a city whose history is full of injustices. The people of New Orleans want to right the wrongs. The only way for them to achieve this is through the self-proclaimed resistance. The residents of New Orleans must do this for themselves, but they do have help. There was a call for help from this self-proclaimed resistance and it was answered. Malik Rahim called out to those concerned about New Orleans across America to help him fight for New Orleans. He was answered. New Orleans may physically sink into the ground, but the people of New Orleans will not let it metaphorically sink from lack of aid. They are willing to go out and fight for justice. They are their own aid. The resistance is spreading across America. Even though some of the residents are dispersed, they are still fighting for their homes. They are also inspiring others to join their movement for justice for the city of New

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