New Orleans Essays

  • New Orleans

    2973 Words  | 6 Pages

    New Orleans In a country containing so much diversity and history, it is practically impossible to locate one city which embodies American diversity. A colony started by the French was the first area to fully integrate culture and religion. The city of New Orleans, now prosperous from its diversity, epitomizes the "American Melting Pot". It is complicated to relate such different backgrounds, but with an overview of history, culture, religion, and integration on a small scale, a reader is capable

  • Intervention In New Orleans

    2240 Words  | 5 Pages

    outrage to inform the general population about the government action that was taken before and after Hurricane Katrina in the hardest hit city – New Orleans. By making the focus on race and poverty West places New Orleans in the category of the third world ‘long before Hurricane Katrina’ – but compares the fact of when the poorest citizens of New Orleans were left in the super dome as the hurricane raged outside – compares it to a contemporary version of social Darwinism. This is a heavy but succinct

  • Flooding In New Orleans

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    Craig E.Colten’s book centers on a familiar problem that New Orleans city constantly faces, the flooding. In particular, the book focuses on the genesis of the flooding danger. In reference to Colten’s book, this essay will attack the statement “The environmental elements, as opposed to human actions, fully account for New Orleans’ problem with water”. The rationale of opening up unusable land by draining waters and construction of levees to contain Mississippi River water led to serious flooding

  • New Orleans Hurricane Katrina

    530 Words  | 2 Pages

    New Orleans Louisiana was known for being a very free-spirited, lively, tourist destination. Many people went there for the amazing southern food, the Jazz music festivals, and just to have a pretty much guaranteed good time. On August 29th 2005 things changed; Hurricane Katrina ripped through the city with rage leaving it in ruins. The whole city flooded and thousands of people were forced out of their homes; and unfortunately, many people lost their lives. Although Hurricane Katrina altered New

  • The History and Tradition of New Orleans

    596 Words  | 2 Pages

    know about the city of New Orleans. This is the biggest city in the state of Louisiana. It is also known for jazz music. It has a basketball team called the New Orleans Hornet and a football team called New Orleans Saints. New Orleans has lots of things to see and to do. Like Mardi Gras it is a parade that’s held in New Orleans. I will be talking about New Orleans early settlement, traditions, culture, weather, lifestyle, closing, and works cited. Early settlement New Orleans was founded May 7, 1718

  • New Orleans Hurricane Katrina

    1530 Words  | 4 Pages

    history was made in New Orleans, Louisiana. On August 29, 2005 Hurricane Katrina made landfall. Hurricane Katrina was categorized as one of the deadliest hurricanes in US history. Once the hurricane passed, it left over $100 billion in damages behind. After the wake of the hurricane, there were more than 1,800 deaths confirmed. More than 80% of New Orleans was flooded and over 1 million acres were destroyed throughout the Gulf Coast. Because of Hurricane Katrina, most of New Orleans were under water

  • Cause And Effects Of New Orleans

    1102 Words  | 3 Pages

    New Orleans is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the United States. The city, nicknamed the “Big Easy”, brings people from all over the country. Its unique and vibrant culture and fascinating history just draws people in whether it is to celebrate a well-known festival like Mardi Gras or to visit the very Congo Square where Jazz music was born. This beauty of New Orleans is one of the reasons why the summer of 2005 was so devastating. On the 23 of that August, Hurricane Katrina was

  • New Orleans Hurricane Katrina

    674 Words  | 2 Pages

    On August 29th, 2006 New Orleanians were expecting a total of 12 to 15 inches of rain and extended five or six inches from the upcoming storm later known as the costliest hurricane in U.S history. The Category 3 hurricane devastated most of eastern North America with blustery winds of 170 mph (280 km per hour) and storm surge values ranging from 10 to 20 feet. The storm called ‘’Hurricane Katrina’’ originated in the Bahamas on August 23th, 2005, but only became a devastation the next day. On August

  • Axeman Of New Orleans Essay

    1379 Words  | 3 Pages

    New Orleans is best known for a lot of things, great food, great atmosphere and who can forget the parties. However, people in the Big Easy were staying out late and rocking for a whole different reason in 1919 as the Axeman of New Orleans had a special request that rocked the Big Easy. Let's start from the beginning, the Axeman was a serial killer who struck New Orleans from March 1918–October 1919. This killer was sickeningly good as he left little to zero evidence at the scenes, he entered the

  • Hurricane Katrina And New Orleans

    776 Words  | 2 Pages

    August 29, 2005, New Orleans had its most dreadful day in history when Hurricane Katrina hits New Orleans which caused damage worth up to 108 billion dollars, gas prices going up significantly, and causing a lot of environmental and economic issues. Before Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans, everyone in the Gulf Coast area was evacuated to safer grounds due to the Hurricane’s strong and aggressive winds. Hurricane Katrina was created six days before New

  • Rebuilding the Levees of New Orleans

    1102 Words  | 3 Pages

    Great cities are colorful, diverse, and enduring; the city of New Orleans is a gem. Rich in history, culture and natural resources New Orleans provides immense benefits to the rest or our beautiful country. In response to the documentary “When the Levees Broke” made by the notorious Spike Lee, we are faced with many tragic images; however there is never a question that the people of New Orleans are an enduring and kindred community in desperate of need of loving hands. Sharon Keating writes in her

  • Hurricane Katrina In New Orleans

    2461 Words  | 5 Pages

    Hurricane Katrina struck New Orleans on August 29th, 2005. This hurricane displaced virtually the entire population of the city as a result of massive flooding caused by the levees breaking and Lake Pontchartrain emptying its waters into 80% of the city. Soon after the tragedy, statistical observers began predicting who would make a return to the Crescent City. The most widely accepted predictions were that New Orleans would become both wealthier and whiter as a result of “selective migration” (Fussell

  • Hurricane Katrina In New Orleans

    2939 Words  | 6 Pages

    Hurricane Katrina brought much chaos to New Orleans in 2005 (Bohm, Haley, 2014). The city became a criminal’s dream and a police officer’s nightmare. Police officers are held to a higher standard, as they should be, because they can take one of the most important things an American possess, which is their freedom. I was not there when the incident took place, so it is hard to say exactly what occurred and why the officers did what they did. However, I can only imagine during such a chaotic time,

  • Pretentious Enlightenment in New Orleans

    630 Words  | 2 Pages

    the Banksy Street art found on a damaged building in New Orleans, Louisiana. On August 29th 2005, Hurricane Katrina, a category 3 storm, slammed into the Gulf Coast. In it’s wake, Katrina left a trail of destruction that killed over 1800 people and cost an estimated 108 billion dollars in damages, making it the most destructive natural disaster in US history. Right in the path of the most powerful part of the storm was the city of New Orleans. (Hurricane Katrina) In the aftermath of the storm’s

  • Hurricane Katrina In New Orleans

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    and other surrounding bodies of water. Winds of Hurricane Katrina reached an astounding category 3 as it passed through downtown New Orleans; however, it felt

  • Supplemental Reading: Drowning New Orleans

    695 Words  | 2 Pages

    Supplemental Reading: Drowning New Orleans A Scientific American article published in October 2001 and named "Drowning New Orleans" essentially predicts the large scale impact a giant hurricane would have on the area, years before Hurricane Katrina. Authorities at LSU's Hurricane Center and Water Resources Research Institute, and US Army Corps of Engineers lead a discussion of how Louisiana's coastal region is doomed to storm surges. A case in point is the deterioration of the Mississippi Delta

  • New Orleans Case Study Essay

    1127 Words  | 3 Pages

    I chose to evaluate New Orleans, Louisiana and the resiliency of the city. New Orleans has had some devastating natural disasters in recent years, so they’re familiar with trying to be resilient as possible and find alternative solutions to problems that occur. The city lies down south in the United States. The city is on the water, and has been victim to many uncontrollable hurricanes and floodings in the past. New Orleans is also very historical and festive with a french culture and unique cuisine

  • Battle of New Orleans

    1691 Words  | 4 Pages

    setting Washington D.C. ablaze in the summer of 1814. By the time the battle of New Orleans takes place in January of 1815, the Treaty of Ghent had already been signed signaling the official end to the war, however, the speed of trans-Atlantic communication proved too slow to prevent this last battle in the War of 1812. The battle of New Orleans has Major General Andrew Jackson lead U.S. Army regulars, New Orleans citizens, and militiamen from various surrounding states to repel the attacks of

  • Importance Of My Trip To New Orleans

    1305 Words  | 3 Pages

    meet his mother since he was 8. The drive to Louisiana was fill with woods and empty roads but we were able to make it there safely. Once we were able to catch up on everything throughout the years, we started to head to New Orleans to visit the aquarium. During the drive to New Orleans, the weather got crazy and the streets begun to flood. People were walking through knee length water on Bourbon Street and all the buildings looked so pretty since most of them were vintage and had a voodoo touch to them

  • My Experience: A Trip To New Orleans

    770 Words  | 2 Pages

    A Trip to New Orleans If I were able to travel to anywhere in this world without worrying about expenses, I would travel to New Orleans; a Louisiana city that is located on the Mississippi River and is in close proximity to the Gulf of Mexico. New Orleans has a number of things to provide as to why I would travel there, but I only picked my main three that I mostly want to do. The first reason is for the unique and diverse culture New Orleans has to offer. The other two reasons are for the history