Column Chromatography Lab Report

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In this experiment, Column Chromatography was used to separate and purified a mixed sample of Fluorine and Fluorenol. This was done by relying on this differences in polarity. Because of OH group present in the Fluorenol, that makes this substance much more polar, which cause it to move down the column at a much slower rate. After the procedures were done, the solution was collected into 13, 3 mL vials. By using TLC, the different compounds were separated and combined. Fractions #1-3 contained Flourine, #4-10 contained Fluorenol, and #11-13 did not show any significant signs of either compound. The lower determined Rf values for Fluorenol indicated that it was a more polar substance that Fluorine. Out of the beginning amount of 0.0680 grams

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