Coca Cola’s Migration From Lotus Notes Platform to Microsoft's Business Productivity Online Suite

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Kerzner, 2013 defines project management as “The planning, organising, directing, and controlling of company resources for a relatively short-term objective that has been established to complete specific goals and objectives. In this report, I will discuss risks, deliverance and management of a real-life project and the decisions and actions of project managers and stakeholders.
Background of Coca Cola’s migration decision
Coca Cola seeks to move it’s over 8000 employees from the Lotus Notes platform to the Business Productivity Online Suite hosted by Microsoft as revealed at Microsoft's Tech.Ed conference on the Gold Coast. The new platform migration will witness employee’s receiving email accounts with 5GB storage capacity which is a substantial upgrade from the previous 300MB capacity as well as the consideration of the 69 Lotus Notes servers and 700 Blackberry devices that are currently in existence in addition to new acquisitions which the company anticipates. It should be noted that the company has undergone numerous computing platform migration for instance the previous migration from the Exchange platform.
Benefits of Coca Cola’s migration
Technology services has completed the migration process for approximately 4200 employees which is about 600GB of storage as well as over 4 million in email messaging and calendar based entries in relation to the present state of the project. The migration will also involve bringing in the email history of its employees from the Lotus Notes platform to storage on Cloud based technologies, which presents a dynamic shift in the entire operation of the company. Even though the company is shifting to Outlook there has been a loss in the integration of the calendar technology.

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