Class Work Strengths

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As a student, I believe that I have many strengths, but also some weaknesses that I need to work on. Personally, I think that I manage my time very well. I am very good at planning out when I will do assignments and how much time I will spend working on each of those assignment. Although sometimes I will plan too much for a certain amount of time and will not always be able to get it all done, so that is something I need to work on. Materialistically, my organization is not the best, but I am good at organizing my priorities and figuring out what I need to study for most, which leads into my study habits. My study habits are strong because I make sure that the time I am studying each day stays consistent, but there are times when I focus too much on a certain subject and then don’t pay attention to others that are also important, making me weak in those areas. Along with this, I think that my class work habits are pretty consistent, although there I times when I do get distracted. I don’t get distracted very often, so I usually take in information very well because I am good at paying attention. …show more content…

While in a discussion, I typically do not speak very much because I usually just intently listen to the others around me and silently agree or disagree with what they are saying. It is a lot easier for me to listen than to speak because I feel that I am taking in the information better that way. This also applies to when I am giving a presentation. When I am giving a presentation, I do not necessarily get nervous, but I usually do not like giving them because I would rather be taking in the information from someone other than myself. Reading aloud is fine, but I need to work on my participation in class discussions and my confidence in giving

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